This blog is all about books and reviewing/discussing them.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Twilight Series

I'm sure that if your a book lover then you've already heard of Twilight, right? Well it sure wouldn't suprise me. Twilight is a great heart wrenching series that can always find a way to grab your attention. Now, I'm sure you won't believe this but Twilight is what started me on reading. Creepy, right? So, obviously, I highly recomend it for a good read. Now it's neigh time for the summary:

The Twilight series is all about a seventeen year old girl who moves to Forks to "spend time with her dad" but really it's to make her mom happy. Bella hates it there and fears that life will never go back to normal. And she's right. When she meets Edward Cullen, Bella finds out that life can never ever go back to normal. And she loves it. Or she loves him. Either one. But you see, Edward is a creepy stalker like vampire. Throught this whole series Bella expiriences confusion, heartbreak, love, heartbreak again, and then love again, and then she has to make one of the hardest decisions in man kind . . . Dun, Dun, Dun.

And speaking of Twilight; you all did know there's a movie out, right? No? Well, there is. Not only that but there's a sequel! It's called New Moon. I think you idiots out there who have never seen Twilight or New Moon need to get yourselves to a video store right away!

BookMasterFan: Gasp! Is this what I think it is!?

Me: It's not what it looks like!

BookMasterFan: You just suggested to a bunch of book lovers that they should see a (cringe) movie!

Me: Okay . . . so it's exactly what it looks like.

BookMasterFan: How could you, J. Peterson!? I thought you were one of us. I thought that you didn't like movies. I thought that you only liked books. I thought that you-

Me: Obviously you think to much. (Interupting)

And yes, it's true. Sigh. I did suggest that you guys should see the movie. But in my deffense it's Twilight related. I mean, I wouldn't be a true fan if I didn't see the movies. So I'm sorry for those of you that flipped out when you read that. I didn't mean to cause any heart attacks. So . . .

"Bookmaster4life.blogspot.com can not be held responsible for any injeries that may accure while on this website. Side affects include heartburn, dizziness, loss of hearing, eternal bleeding, ruptured lungs, etc." (Rushed commercial voice.)

Putting all that medical stuff to the side. I would like to interduice to you the Twilight Saga cast! Well, most of it anyway.
Ladies and gentlemen in the far left corner we have Rachelle Lefevre, who plays Victoria. In the back towards the middle (The really tan guy) is Taylor Launter, who plays Jacob Black. And on the far right (The guy in the yellow jacket) is Fenimore Cooper, he plays James. And the main girl in the middle is Kristen Stewart and she plays Bella Swan. Next to Kristen is Robert Pattinson, who plays the tottaly hot vampire; Edward Cullen.

Also! Don't forget to see the movies Twilight and New Moon. Plus, Eclipse comes out in theaters near you on June 3oth! Checkz it outz!

And Remember: I love anyone who bothers to even read my blog! Don't forget to comment or Follow me. That would be appriciated! Peace out Home DogZ! =]

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