"The Last Song" was recommended to me by my friends at school. I heard it was a good book and was meaning to get around to actually reading it for a long time. And when I did, no one was more shocked then me. I thought this was going to be boring and romantic. Nothing but a story of a couple of teenagers 'falling in love.' And I couldn't have been more wrong. The Last Song has soo much going on and soo much action, I didn't ever know if I was suppost to be happy, sad, actious, or scared! (And by action I don't mean guns and war. I mean it never stops being exciting!) But, oh yeah, there's still a little romance for those of you that were bumbed out for a second there.
"The Last Song" is the story of a New Yorker named Ronnie and she's 17 years old. Ronnie's the kind of goth, punk girl that goes to clubs every night and has been arrested once or twice. So, overall, she's a pretty scary chick. But one summer Ronnie and her younger brother (Jonah) are shipped out to their dad's. And the last thing Ronnie expects is to fall in love with Will.
Will's a rich, volleyball- playing, beach bum kind of a guy. (Not in the bad way.) And he's nowhere near Ronnie's "type." But believe it or not they come together.
But when Marcus gets involved in the story things go wrong. Very wrong. Ronnie will find herself and discover Will's secret in Nicholas Spark's #1 Book of New York Times Bestseller; "The Last Song."
"Sparks knows how to tug at a reader's heartstrings."
- Chicago Sun-Times
"Romance, betrayal, and youthful discovery . . . Fans of The Notebook, Message in a Bottle, etc., will gobble it up."
- Entertainment Weekly
"41/2 stars! Readers will be invested in this story from the beginning. That it's never too late to strengthen relationships with loved ones is a central focus, and it's exemplified by comparing life to a song. Another emotional blockbuster!"
- RT Book Reviews
I've been wanting to read one of Nicholas Sparks books for a long time and I was stuck on which one. But I wouldn't have wanted it to be any other, because this is a truly awesome book! I'm thinking about maybe another one of his books. Any recommendations?
And for those of you who have been hiding under a rock and didn't know; "The Last Song" is also a major motion picture. It stars Miley Cyrus as Ronnie, And Liam Hemsworth as Will.
I went and saw the movie and actually it was pretty good. . .if you've never read the books. But if you've read the book you probably won't like how much they changed it. But it was still a good movie. And I'm not even a fan of Miley Cyrus. Honestly, I hate her. Sorry to Miley fans out there. It's my opinion. :]
Also! My Eclipse countdown continues. From the time I'm posting this it will be 7 hours and 2 minutes until Eclipse comes out in theaters near you! And to dumb it down a little . . . 1 day!
Okay, well, I thought that since some of you may to lazy to read the books then I'll let you watch the trailor. 'Cause maybe you'll see the movie. And here it is! Enjoy!
And remember: I love anyone you actually takes there time to read my blog! Peace out Home DogZ! =]