So bear with me, it's not as bad as you'de think.
"Tuck Everlasting" by Natalie Babbit is a cross over between Twilight and a Judy Bloom mystery book. You may be wondering why. And here's were the summary comes in . . .
Winnie Foster was a stranger to adventure and life. The only adventure she ever got to experience is when she would catch fireflies in her front yard. But Winnie wanted more. She didn't want to be stuck in her house playing the piano all day. So she simply hopped her fence into the woods. But what she didn't expect to find there was a boy drinking in a small spring.
And when they started talking she later insisted on taking a sip. But the boy wouldn't let her. Why? Because that spring is the reason he's been seventeen for eighty-seven years and counting.
Now I assure you that there's more to the story than that. But if I typed it all up, then not only would you know everything that happens, I would be left with a blog that goes down the length of the page.
But here's the crossover difference.
- The Tucks have lived a long time, and one of them is even frozen at seventeen.
- If you squint you can see some romance with said seventeen year old.
- There's industructable. Nothing can hurt them.
JUDY BLOOM MYSTERY BOOKS: (Note: I've only ever read the back covers)
- There's mystery and some detective work. (Duh)
That's how we play . . . The Crossover Game! And now, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for what I like to call, MY OPINION!
"Tuck Everlasting" is very confusing in the beggining, it's not that easy to keep up. One minute it's talking about the Fosters and before you can blink it's on to the Tucks. Natalie starts the books off like you should already know what everything is. She doesn't take her time to explain anything, so you just gotta go with it and figure it out on your own. (Which, by the way, is really hard to do when you got a packet with questions on every chapter.)
But once you get it down it's actually quite good. At the end of every chapter there's a I DIDN'T SEE THAT ONE COMING moment. So for you people out there this could be a really good recomandation for a book or it could be a heads up for you're up coming school work. Enjoy!
ALSO! : HOLY CRAP! I read Mockingjay and they aint kidding when they say it's gonna be the most talked about book of the year, because I can't stop talking about it!
ALSO! : I don't know if this has anything to do with anything, but Lifehouse is coming to Michigan close to my birthday! Woot Woot.
OH AND! : Just thought I should tell you that "Tuck Everlasting" is indeed a movie. But un-like the rest of my blogs I'm not going to post the trailer because, frankly, it isn't a very good one.
REMEBER: I love anyone who bothers to even read my blog! :P